Business Overview

LOTTE VIETNAM develops its business in Vietnam by keeping in mind for three values, “User Oriented”, "Originality", and "Quality" that we have cherished since our foundation.

We value the opinion of the customer and society and deliver the valuable original product to everyone to be the company loved by the customer.

Confectionery Business

We expand 4 brands, “LOTTE XYLITOL” “Toppo” “Koala’s March” and "Candy" mainly in confectionery business that plays a central role in our business. In addition, we sell some gum brands for kids.

Each brands have the original value with same quality level as Japan to secure the safety and the security. As represented by “LOTTE XYLITOL” that helps to prevent the tooth decay.

We proceed the product development for not only delivering the tasty but contributing to healthy life.

Ice-Cream Business

We conduct bisiness of import and selling Lotte Japan's ice-cream and expand “Coolish” that we can eat with one hand and without making the hands dirty, and “Yukimi-Daifuku” that mochi(rice cake) fill with ice-cream. We deliver the tasty and attractiveness of ice-cream by suggesting the original ice-cream and the way to eat.

Overseas Business

We expand our overseas business also in Asia and other area by exporting our Vietnam Gum with same quality and tasty as Japan and reasonable price more than Japan.